Faithful Giving

At Immanuel Church of Kettlersville, we realize a necessity to be aware of expenses and real costs.  In December 2020 the 2021 budget was presented to the Congregation and voted upon.  The proposed budget was passed and will be used as a guideline or road map for the expenditures in 2021.  As we are diligent to be obedient to God, faithful in our giving, and committed to spreading the gospel, financial stability will be achieved.  In 2021 we will be committed to fulfilling the mission of God.

Benevolent Giving.

The Benevolent Committee has a financial plan for 2021.  Each month is designated for a specific mission.  All money received designated for a mission will be given completely to that mission.  Please check back for updates on Missions and Special Projects of benevolence.

Benevolence 2021

Through our missional giving, we look at local, state, national, and international options. Our Missions are selected for each month and reports are provided in the following month about the amount received and given. 100% of monies received for missional giving are given to that mission.

Click here for info